Sabtu, 15 September 2018

Tickеt#946780429 15/09/2018 01:58:51 This can definitely ruin your status

Hello there.

Hopefully you don\'t care about my english language grammar, since i\'m from Philippines. I infected your system with a virus and now have your personal data from your operating system.

It was installed on a mature webpage then you\'ve selected the online video and it, my software quickly gain access to your os.

And then, your camera recorded you playing with your stuff, additionally i captured a movie that you\'ve seen.

Just after a little while this also picked up all your social contact info. If u need me to wipe out your all that i have got - give me 340 eu in bitcoin it is a cryptocurrency. It is my btc wallet address : 136WC35NBV5r9eF7Cch2bHeYexLPYbVinu

At this point you will have 21 hours. to produce a decision The moment i will receive the transaction i will eliminate this video and every little thing completely. In any other case, please be certain that the evidence would be sent to all of your friends.

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