Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Storytelling vs. Data: The Best Way to Ignite Your Audience's Brain

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How to Light Up Your Audience's Brain
Storytelling vs. data: Both are important elements of a great presentation. But which actually engages attendees more? We take a look at the brain, and reveal the actual science behind igniting your audience's attention.
Upload Campaign: TED and SXSW Upload Campaign The Best of TED and SXSW Two of the biggest professional events are here this month: South by Southwest and TED. Keep a pulse on the hot topics and trends from each conference: TED Page | SXSW Page
PowerPoint Shortcuts Best PowerPoint Shortcuts PowerPoint doesn't have to be the bane of your existence. Whether you're a newbie or an expert, save some time and energy with these little-known PowerPoint hacks.

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