Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

Lessons From Steve Jobs

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The Best of Steve Jobs
From presentation skills to design philosophies, there are plenty of lessons to be learned from Steve Jobs. We've aggregated some of the best SlideShares on the iconic visionary; join the conversation and upload your favorite lessons from Jobs, too! View and share insights on all things Steve Jobs.
Best Productivity Hacks Best Productivity Hacks Last month we asked you to share your top productivity hacks. From PowerPoint shortcuts to household hacks, plenty of advice was uploaded. Here are some of the best life hacks to start now.
Social Media Secrets Upload Campaign Upload Campaign
Tricks for Social Media Success
How do you stand out on social media these days? Guy Kawasaki, Hubspot, and more social media stars have shared their pro secrets. Upload yours, too! View and share Social Media Secrets.

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