Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

The Best SlideShares of 2014

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Must-Read SlideShares of 2014
2014 was our best year yet, thanks to users like you. We saw more than 4.2 million uploads on everything from the inner workings of Google (by Chairman Eric Schmidt) to Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams' career advice and Mary Meeker's highly-regarded Internet Trends report. Catch up on what you may have missed, and view the best SlideShares of 2014.
3 Best Decks for Entrepreneurs Chosen by Guy Kawasaki width= Guy Kawasaki: 3 Key Decks for Entrepreneurial Success Want to be an entrepreneur -- or a better one? "The Art of the Start" author Guy Kawasaki shared with us 3 SlideShares every entrepreneur needs to read.
Join Our #FutureOf Campaign Your Guide to 2015 What does the New Year have in store? We've seen predictions for the future of social media, workplace trends, mobile, and more. Join our #FutureOf upload campaign and share your insights for 2015 and beyond.

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