Selasa, 03 September 2019

πŸ”¦ A Bright Way to Work from Any Angle πŸ“

A versatile angled flashlight, last month's most popular gear, a trending assisted folder, and more…
Light up hard-to-reach places with ease.

Fenix WT20R

To tackle a problem, sometimes it's best to approach it from the right angle.

Most flashlights have a limited range, which means they either have to be in your hands or standing like a candle, limiting their use to general situations.

But a versatile angled flashlight like the new Fenix WT20R can light up the places other flashlights can't—and do it hands-free, to boot.

With task-oriented features and an adjustable head able to illuminate from any direction, the WT20R is a work light for getting the job done.

Check It Out

Trending Gear: August 2019

See the Full List

Trending: SOG Kiku Assisted

Check It Out
Michelle in Los Angeles moves around a lot through the course of her day, and this easy-to-pocket EDC covers her bases without weighing her down.
Philipp applies the organizational skills he uses as an airport supervisor to his daily carry, keeping his EDC in order and always at the ready.
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