Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2019

πŸ”ͺ A Modern Knife That Sings an Old Time Tune πŸŽ΅

A practical everyday knife evoking a classic style, last month's most popular gear, a trending tactical sling, and more…
A classic razor design comes to a practical EDC folder.

Gerber Jukebox

The design of razors of old had a lot of class, and their utility went far beyond the everyday close shave.

But don't fret, if you're looking for an everyday carry knife that evokes the aesthetics of an old time razor blade, you're in luck.

The new Gerber Jukebox plays off the style of an old folding razor, with a manual opening and razor utility blade.

But it's not all ancient throwback design: the Jukebox also contains some quality of life features that make it an immensely practical knife to carry around in the present day.

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Trending Gear: July 2019

See the Full List

Trending: 5.11 Tactical MOAB 6

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A physical therapist in New York, Brian rounds out his daily essentials with a reliable EDC knife for a minimal and monochromatic carry.
This librarian in Denver may be surrounded by books all day, but his sleek carry of tough EDC gear keeps him prepared for real-world adventures.
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