Kamis, 04 Juli 2019

Celebrate the 4th of July with These EDCs

Our readers celebrate the 4th of July with their EDC, fresh colorways for an outdoor multi-tool, the latest deals on our Amazon influencer page, and more…
Happy 4th of July!

Celebrate the 4th of July with These 6 EDCs

It's the 4th of July, which means many of our readers in the USA are spending a holiday.

And in the spirit of Independence Day, this is how our community celebrates with their EDCs.

Whether it's red, white, and blue gear, made in the USA tools, or star-spangled essentials, we're highlighting all the awesome themed gear from our readers's submissions below.

Check Them Out

8 New Production Knives by Custom Designers

See the Full List
If there's one tool that looks even better with a fresh new coat, it's Leatherman's outdoor survival multi-tool, the Signal, available on our Amazon influencer page!
With his all-brass EDC, Adam in Cleveland places his trust both in the durability of the material, and in the quality of their craftsmaship.
Aaron strips his carry down to a few basic elements with a minimalist wallet, a tough flashlight, and a pair of reliable EDC knives.
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