Kamis, 20 Juni 2019

New EDC Knives Delivered to You Every Month

New EDC knives delivered to you every month, digital camo essentials, the latest deals on our Amazon influencer page, and more…
Solid slicers every month.

Find Your Next EDC with Monthly Knife Club

From our sponsor: So you want a new everyday carry knife, but you don't know where to start.

It's easy to get lost in the weeds, spending more time researching your next purchase rather than just getting down to it.

That's where Monthly Knife Club comes in, bringing you a subscription box service geared specifically for people looking for their next EDC knife.

And whether you're a newcomer to the scene or a seasoned veteran looking for a nice surprise to round out your collection, the Monthly Knife Club has a lot to offer.

Find Your Next Knife

6 Digital Camouflage EDC Essentials

See the Full List
The new Olight Seeker 2 Pro delivers 3200 lumens and a slew of advanced features all in a pocket-sized form factor, available on our Amazon influencer page!
Ron in Canada stays prepared even through retirement with a trusty set of stainless steel EDC tools, including a dive watch and a reliable knife.
An analyst in Illinois, Greg keeps his dependable EDC gear organized at day's end so he's prepped and ready to go when he gets up next morning.
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