Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

A 12-in-1 Tool for Your Wallet

A credit card-sized multitool, a carbon fiber gent's knife, a brass pencil, and more…
This multitool covers plenty of bases without taking up precious pocket space.

Victorinox SwissCard Lite

Today's gear of the day crams 12 different tools into one sleek, credit card-sized package. If you've been on the fence about adding a knife, tool, and flashlight to your carry simply because you can't afford the weight or the pocket space, this might fit the bill.

Discover Today's Gear

Yesterday's Top EDCs and Gear

Cameron gets through the day easier with this EDC of classy, polished gear.
This cinematographer brings just the essentials in this stylish, minimalist EDC.
Katy keeps her handbag contents simple with these vintage EDC tools.
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