Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Why the Best Presenters Are Boring People

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Why Presenters Need to be Boring
Rarely do people like being described as "boring." But as a presenter, it can be the thing that makes you succeed. In fact, most of today's top presenters and entertainers are "boring" people with predictable schedules and habits. Um, what?! Read on: Here's the case for why and how you should be more predictable.
How to be Happy Expert Picks: How To Be Happy How can you boost your everyday happiness? Gretchen Rubin, best-selling author of "The Happiness Project," shares 3 must-read decks on how to feel more fulfilled.
3 Must-Read SaaS Decks to Make a Profit What Every SaaS Business Needs to Read Software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies are quickly becoming the new norm in tech. How do you best leverage this new business model? One expert shares 3 decks on excelling in SaaS.

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