Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

Reinventing the Classroom: Join the Discussion

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Future of Education
These days, education doesn't just take place in the traditional classroom. New technologies have paved the way for a new type of learning: open education, which aims to provide learning resources to all. Whether it's massive open online courses (MOOCs), social media or more, take a look at today's new tools for learning and teaching -- and share your tips, too!
5 Things to Avoid in a Presentation 5 Common Presentation Pitfalls We've all sat through presentations that seem more like torture than anything else. Don't be that guy! For your next talk, make sure you avoid these 5 big presentation mistakes.
6 Presentation Time-Saving Hacks How to Fast-track Your Deck Making a beautiful deck doesn't have to take 20 hours. With a few tricks, you can still create a quality presentation in just a few hours. Follow these 6 hacks to save you time on your next deck.

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