Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Make Your Site More Social: Add Facebook, Twitter & More!


Does your website play well with others?

Hi Apri,

Make your site more social by adding social media icons, a Facebook Like button or a Twitter feed. Read on to learn how.

Setting up Social Media Icons

Make it easy for your site visitors to stay in touch with you. We offer lots of options to connect your site to a wide variety of popular social media services including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, Google+, email & more!

Each theme includes optional social icon links from the header. Plus, the Social Icons element can be placed directly into the content and footer areas of your site. Use the envelope icon to link directly to your contact page or email address.

Learn more about social media options >

Adding a Facebook Like (Share) Button to Your Site

Adding a Facebook Like button to your site is a great way to let visitors share your website with their friends.

Add a Facebook Like button to your site >

Adding a Twitter Feed to Your Site

Adding a Twitter feed to your website lets you share all your recent tweets with your visitors. It's a great way to keep your site content alive and fresh if you tweet regularly.

Add a Twitter feed to your site >

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