| Apri, is this publication yours? Help us keep your profile up to date. | Bentuk Pertunjukan Kesenian Calung Wiji Sawo Di Desa Kebasen Kecamatan Talang Kabupaten Tegal | Apri Yanto | 2012 | Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kelompok kesenian calung Wiji Sawo dalam pertunjukannya sudah dibuat, digarap, dan disajikan secara tertata. Hal tersebut yang membuat kelompok calung Wiji Sawo lebih dikenal dan berbeda dari pada kelompok calung lainnya. Perbedaannya mulai dari keunikan alat musik yang... | | | | | | | Adding this paper will upload it to Academia.edu. | | |
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| Apri, is this publication yours? Help us keep your profile up to date. | Calculations on πunpRydberg Terms of the Nitrogen Molecule | Apri Yanto | 1966, The Journal of Chemical Physics | | | | | | | Adding this paper will upload it to Academia.edu. | | |
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| Apri, is this publication yours? Help us keep your profile up to date. | 3-Phase L-Dump Converter with Single Pulse Mode for Switched Reluctance Motors | Harki Apri Yanto | 2019, 2019 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON) | In this paper, a novel 3-phase L-dump converter for switched reluctance motors is presented. The converter can be classified as a single switch per phase converter topology for SRM drives. The aim of this paper is to provide a low cost solution for SRM drives. This paper focused on the mechanism principle analysis... | | | | | | | Adding this paper will upload it to Academia.edu. | | |
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| Apri, is this publication yours? Help us keep your profile up to date. | Rotor Dynamic Investigation for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine | Harki Apri Yanto | 2007 | This paper studied about the vibration characteristics of the vertical axis Daerrius-Savonius type wind-turbine. From the rotor dynamic viewpoint, vertical axis wind-turbine (VAWT) has weakness point compared to the horizontal axis type wind-turbine. The tower has sustained the multiple loads except the weight... | | | | | | | Adding this paper will upload it to Academia.edu. | | |
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