| Apri, is this publication yours? Help us keep your profile up to date. | Should computer scientists experiment more? | Apri Yanto | 2002, Computer | | | | ABSTRACT | Page 1. 0018-9162/98/$10.00 © 1998 IEEE 32 Computer D Should Computer Scientists Experiment More? o computer scientists need to experiment at all? ... | | Adding this paper will upload it to Academia.edu. | | | This is not me | | | |
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| Apri, is this publication yours? Help us keep your profile up to date. | ABSTRACT | Page 1. 0018-9162/98/$10.00 © 1998 IEEE 32 Computer D Should Computer Scientists Experiment More? o computer scientists need to experiment at all? ... | | Adding this paper will upload it to Academia.edu. | | | This is not me | | | |
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