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The Best Slim Front Pocket Wallets for EDC

Slim front pocket wallets for EDC, a tough, tactical fixed blade knife, a pouch and caddy that keeps gear in check, and more…
Secure your stash, don't strain your spine.

Top 10 Front Pocket Wallets

Your wallet is the most important piece of gear in your pockets, but it can also be the most bulky if you're not careful.

Switching to a slim front pocket wallet is a great way to reduce size and bulk.

Along with the smaller footprint, being able to EDC your wallet in your front pocket helps avoid discomfort while making it easier to secure when you're on the go.

In this guide, we're rounding up some of the most interesting slim front pocket EDC wallets for you to consider.

We'll go over what makes them unique and also why they deserve a place in your everyday carry.

See the Full List

More Must-See Gear

The CRKT SIWI is a tactical fixed blade ready for duty, available on our Amazon influencer page!
Nat in Great Britain doesn't leave home without a handy pocket knife, his watch, his phone, and a waterproof EDC pouch to put it all in.
This reader in Florida needs gear that will have his back in a pinch, so he settled on these stealthy EDC tools.
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