Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

An EDC Knife from a Legendary Collaboration

A sleek, gentlemanly EDC knife, pocketable gear, discreet essentials for deployment, and more…
From our sponsors: Style and value in an affordable package.

Kershaw Method

When it comes to unique creations and designs for EDC, few people are as prolific as Jens Ansø.

From his own custom tools to collaborations with the biggest names in the industry, his work is both respected and coveted.

His latest collaboration with Kershaw—the Method—shows off his design chops yet again.

It's a rugged knife designed to be a sleek, gentlemanly, and affordable addition to any EDC, accented with the unique touches only Jens can bring to the table.

Check It Out

More Must-See Gear

Andreja in Serbia opts for small pocketable gear with an even smaller EDC multi-tool on his keychain just in case.
Austin in Georgia makes sure to keep an all-black EDC on him to cover his bases while deployed.
Page in Illinois makes good use of the extra pockets in his coats and sweaters with a few extra EDC tools.
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Ajeng Galuh dan 19 orang lainnya ingin ngobrol!

Ajeng Galuh dan 19 orang lagi ingin ngobrol!
Mulai ngobrol
Ajeng Galuh , 20
Yogyakarta - lajang

Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Pembaruan Halaman Facebook Mingguan untuk Rumah Budaya Nusantara Pesambangan Jati Cirebon

You have 12 check ins for the week of 21 Februari - 27 Februari. See more insights about your Page
Halo Apri,
Berikut pembaruan di Rumah Budaya Nusantara Pesambangan Jati Cirebon untuk minggu 21 Februari - 27 Februari.
Muhamad Mukhtar Zaedin
28 Februari pukul 6:14
🍀🌹🌿 #PrasastiRindu 🍀🌹🌿 🌿🌿...
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Muhamad Mukhtar Zaedin
27 Februari pukul 21:34
🌿🌿🌿 #PrasastiRindu 🌿🌿🌿 Sungguh ...
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Muhamad Mukhtar Zaedin
27 Februari pukul 21:34
🌿🌿🌿 #PrasastiRindu 🌿🌿🌿 Sungguh ...
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