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A Modern Hardshell Makeover for Your EDC Pouch

Organize your EDC with this robust pouch, a carry-on ready to roll with your next adventure, EDC classics fit for exploring, and more…
Organizing is key to an efficient EDC.

Maxpedition MRZ Organizer

Keeping things organized in an EDC pouch is a top efficiency tip, with Maxpedition making some of the most robust and useful organizers to accommodate even the most expansive loadouts.

The MRZ Mini Organizer—born out of Maxpedition's AGR (Advanced Gear Research) department—takes the simple pouch and upgrades it on every level.

It's a modern hardshell hybrid organizer that you can literally throw at your daily packing tasks.

Check It Out

More Must-See Gear

From our sponsors: As your travel pack or carry-on, the Victorinox VX Touring 2-in-1 is ready to roll with you on your next adventure.
Henry in Georgia keeps his gear simple and to the point, only keeping a few all-black essentials in his EDC.
Tom in Florida snapped this picture while out exploring with the family and makes sure to keep his pockets slim with these EDC classics.
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