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Play Your Cards Right with These Wallet-Friendly Tools

Credit card-sized tools that fit your wallet, custom machined tools, keychain gear, and more…
Make the most rewarding card in your wallet one of these tools.

The Best EDC Card Tools

One of the best ways to cover multiple bases in your EDC is to carry a multi-tool.

The obvious upside is having every function you might need in one convenient package — if you can justify the pocket space.

You could carry a keychain-friendly tool, but that might not be the best route to take, especially if you use a key organizer.

There's one place to carry a tool that even minimalists can appreciate: your wallet.

In this guide, we'll go over 10 tools that'll quickly become the most rewarding card in your wallet.

See the Full List

More Must-See Gear

This reader's a CNC machinist with a knack for minimalist, machined tools in his EDC.
Ronny in Norway can't leave the house without his EDC packed with essentials that help him stay prepared and safe.
Nicholas in the UK keeps a tidy EDC with compact, minimalist tools customized with paracord for easy retrieval.
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