Jumat, 31 Maret 2017

Senior Project Admin - KARAWANG (IDR 3,000,000 - 6,000,000) + 3 new jobs - Job Alert from JobStreet.com

4 Matches
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  Bogor (Jawa Barat)
  Around Expected Salary
3 yrs exp, Skills: microsoft office, administration skill, Ciommunication Skill
Production Admin
PT. Kalbio Global Medika
  Cikarang (Jawa Barat) - Delta Silicon 3
  IDR 4,000,000 - 5,200,000
1 yr exp
  Bandung (Jawa Barat) - Cileunyi, ...
  IDR 3,000,000 - 5,000,000
3 yrs exp, Skills: COM+, Experience as a sales admin coordinator or in other administrative positions will...
Senior Project Admin - KARAWANG
PT Mott MacDonald Indonesia
  Karawang (Jawa Barat)
  IDR 3,000,000 - 6,000,000
2 yrs exp, Skills: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office
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Jawa Barat
Expected Salary: IDR 5000000  Edit
Clerical/General Admin

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Framelock Knives on a Budget

Lock in a good deal on these EDC knives, exotic fidget spinners, black and silver essentials, and more…
Framelocks aren't just for expensive custom knives. Here are 5 for any budget.

5 Framelocks Under $50

Nowadays, you have a ton of options to choose from when picking out a good EDC knife.

Hands down, one of the most important things to consider is what type of locking mechanism it has.

In terms of strength, a frame lock is tough to beat.

This kind of lock is usually found on expensive, high-end knives — for good reason.

Luckily for us, they're recently becoming popular on much more affordable designs.

Today, we're highlighting 5 frame lock knives that won't break the bank.

See the Full List

More Must-See Gear

Jason shares how he covers his bases as a web developer in Maine with this EDC.
Wyatt in Virginia adds a new titanium flashlight to his stylish EDC.
Matt, a working dad in Nashville, gets good use out of this black and silver EDC every day.
© 2017 Everyday Carry • 1956 Larkin St., San Francisco, CA 94109 • All rights reserved.

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Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

Receptionist (CODE: RECP) + 2 new jobs - Job Alert from JobStreet.com

3 Matches
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Receptionist (CODE: RECP)
PT Prakarsa Alam Segar
  Jawa Barat
  Around Expected Salary
  Bekasi (Jawa Barat) - Lippo Cikarang
  Above Expected Salary
1 yr exp, Skills: chinese, administration, translator speaking & writing
  Jawa Barat - Cibitung
  Around Expected Salary
5 yrs exp, Skills: microsoft office, word perfect, microsoft project, microsoft powerpoint, secretaria...
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Jawa Barat
Expected Salary: IDR 5000000  Edit
Clerical/General Admin

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PT JobStreet Indonesia, Wisma Bumiputera 5th floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, kav. 75 Jakarta 12910

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The Money Clip, Evolved

A beefed up binder clip for your cash and cards, excellent EDC knives, great budget essentials, and more…
A multifunctional minimalist wallet inspired by the humble binder clip.

Edwin Plus Wallet

More often than not, simpler is better.

And a minimalist wallet is a great way to slim down and simplify your carry.

The Edwin Wallet is a hybrid money clip / one piece multitool, named after the inventor of the classic black binder clip.

It clips onto your cards with the simplicity and ease of use of a binder clip, cutting bulk to a minimum.

But that's not all — carefully placed cutouts in its frame add  useful tools to your wallet situation.

Check It Out

More Must-See Gear

Felix updates his EDC for city carry in Germany with a gorgeous new knife.
This civil contractor in Detroit reaches for this quick grab-and-go EDC before heading out every morning.
Joel, a firefighter in Indiana, shares his super sleek silver and black EDC.
© 2017 Everyday Carry • 1956 Larkin St., San Francisco, CA 94109 • All rights reserved.

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