Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Perubahan Nomor Telepon Facebook

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Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Festival di bulan Maret

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Dear Apri Yanto

Bulan maret hampir tiba dan beragam kota di tanah air telah bersiap-siap untuk merayakan kedatangannya. Dengan beragam budaya yang ada, tentu saja festival yang diselenggarakan berbeda satu sama lain. Berikut adalah empat festival menarik di Indonesia dimana kamu dapat melihat musisi internasional, menikmati tradisi berusia ribuan tahun atau belajar cara hidup yang sehat.

Tahun ini Java Jazz Festival telah memasuki tahun ke-9 dan akan memanjakan para penggemar musik Indonesia dengan barisan musisi terkemuka. Sebagai salah satu festival musik jazz terbesar di dunia dan mungkin juga festival terbesar di Indonesia, Java Jazz Festival tahun ini menampilkan beberapa penyanyi pop seperti Joss Stone, Lisa Stansfield, Basia and Craig David diantara para legenda Jazz terkemuka seperti Roy Hargrove, Bob James, and Fourplay.  Musisi lokal juga akan turut memeriahkan pagelaran akbar ini, diantaranya The Groove, Sister Duke, and Barry Likumahuwa Project.

Festival penuh darah untuk memeringati tradisi panen di Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur ini mencapai puncaknya pada awal Maret. Inilah salah satu festival tombak terbesar di dunia, dimana tim yang berlawanan akan memacu kuda masing-masing sambil melempar lembing (disebut juga hola) untuk melukai lawan atau kuda yang dikendarainya. Darah yang keluar dalam kegiatan ini dianggap sebagai penyubur panen yang akan datang. Inilah salah satu festival di Indonesia yang sayang untuk dilewatkan.

Acara tahunan yang diselenggarakan beberapa minggu setelah hari raya Nyepi ini menggabungkan yoga, music dan tari sebagai satu kesatuan. Para pelatih yoga dan tari terkenal akan datang, begitu juga para ahli terapi dan semuanya berkumpul bersama ribuan penggemar dari seluruh dunia. Ikuti beragam pelatihan berkualitas, konser musisi dunia, sesi terapi atau penyembuhan jiwa, dan para penyedia produk organik di Ubud, ibukota budaya Bali.

Perayaan Katolik cukup langka di Indonesia, negara yang lebih dari 90% populasinya menganut Islam. Tetapi Larantuka, sebuah kota kecil di Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan akar Portugis yang kuat merayakan hari raya Jumat Agung secara besar-besaran, membuatnya sebagai salah satu yang terunik di Indonesia. penduduk lokal menamakannya "Semana Sancta"dimana mereka mengarak patung Yesus Kristus buatan abad ke-16 dalam sebuah prosesi sepanjang 7 kilometer melalui darat dan laut untuk kemudian disatukan dengan patung Bunda Maria di dalam gereja. Ketika keduanya bertemu, misa Jumat Agung pun dimulai dan diselenggarakan semalam suntuk.

Mana festival yang paling kamu sukai? Menyanyi bersama artis favorit kamu atau menikmati kemeriahan perayaan umat Katolik, pilih perayaan terbaik Indonesia di bulan Maret ini. Jangan lupa untuk mengambil beberapa foto, masukkan di profil Burufly kamu, dan tulis informasi menarik tentangnya.

Kamu tahu festival-festival menarik lainnya di Indonesia? Masukkan opini kamu di facebook profile kami
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Burufly Team
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Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

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Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Find yourself a fine Batik

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Dear Apri Yanto

One of Unesco's intangible heritage assets and the epitome of Indonesian craftsmanship, the batik embodies the culture and the identity of the nation. It has the richness of patterns and techniques developed through ages of dedication. Adapted by renowned designer Diane von Furstenberg in many of her signature pieces, the old technique has become an important fashion statement in the modern world.  Now we'll take you to some of the best cities in Indonesia where you can buy your own batik, satisfaction guaranteed.

Let 'becak' (cycle rickshaw) take you to Laweyan, a district where batik barons in the early 20th century built factories next to their fine mansions. Find some batik center here and get your own piece of the handwritten cloths directly from the creator. If you have the time to haggle, go straight to Klewer market, the biggest batik market in the world. For a curated collection of the hand-painted sheets, Museum Batik Danar Hadi located right in the center of the city is perfect for you.

Malioboro is definitely the center of batik trade in this city as the street is full of batik vendors during the daytime and Beringharjo, a market known for its batik. Stores such as Toko Terang Bulan are also a great place to be at with its relaxing ambiance, old colonial décor and a chance to learn more about batik art from the shopping assistants.  If you are interested in joining a batik workshop or want to buy a hand-painted batik, visit Kampung Batik Giriloyo just 25 minutes outside Yogyakarta.

Batik from Cirebon is famous for its bright colors and bold patterns. Trusmi village just 4km outside the city has been a center for batik for hundreds of years, making it the best place to find your own piece. Batik Masina and EB Batik Traditional Cirebon are two of the best showrooms here with adjoining workshops to watch the process of batik making.

The small city in the north coast of Java developed a distinctive batik culture, with European and oriental influences, making it different from other batik traditions in Java. The city has a lot of batik vendors and workshops and you can even visit a batik museum here.  But we suggest you to make a 30 minute trip to Kedoengwoeni where you can visit the workshop at Lim Ping Wie, one of the best batik makers here.

Yes, the capital also has some places where you can find a fine batik too. Go to Thamrin City where you can find hundreds of batik vendors from all over Indonesia. Big retailers such as Danar Hadi, Alun-alun, Batik Keris and Iwan Tirta have opened several show rooms across the city. Try to visit Bin House where the artist cum designer Josephine Komara showcases some fine examples of her modern interpretation of the art.

The art of buying batik involves patience and perseverance, so make sure you have enough information about the process and patterns before you decide to buy one or better yet take an expert with you.  Take some photos during your journey, post them in your Burufly profile page and write some quirky information about your findings.  Let your friends and other Buruflyers know this form of art from your point of view.

Do you know some other great places to buy fine batiks? Feel free to post your opinion or image on our Facebook profile
Follow us on Twitter to keep updating with the Wow of Indonesia and #OMGFACTS of Indonesia

Happy journeys…

Burufly Team
Got any question?
Please contact Burufly Customer Care at (+62) 21 2940 1684
from Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00 GMT+7, or email us at

Our mailing address is:
Jalan Wijaya Timur II no 13 RT 015 RW 002 Kelurahan Petogogan Kecamatan Mampang Prapatan Jakarta Selatan

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Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Alindia Vie menandai Anda dalam kiriman di Facebook

Alindia Vie berkata, dia bersama Anda dan 7 lainnya dalam sebuah status.
Alindia menulis: "@anak2 x'Kp stikom.. Mau pada ikutan ketemuan ga? Hari kamis minggu ini..klo masalah tempat tar kita omongin lebih lanjut..yg bisa dateng..sms/hubungin yg laen ya..."
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang penandaan di Facebook.
Lihat Kiriman
Pesan ini dikirim ke Jika Anda tidak ingin menerima email ini lagi dari Facebook, berhenti berlangganan.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Cara membuat daftar isi blog secara otomatis

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Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

Romantic, Scenic Bali

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Dear Apri Yanto

From Jerry Hall to Mila Kunis, honeymooners and lovers travel to Bali each year to feel the romanticism of the island. Not just for the breathtaking panorama and spellbinding culture, they also come to the Island of Gods to enjoy the many design-conscious establishments which offer fantastic food and drinks that focus on great ambiance. We take you to five of them.

Tucked away in a cliff with its own private beach, right now this is the best place in Bali to have fun in the sand without those nagging souvenir vendors. The nature is awe-inspiring with yellow sands and turquoise waters, while the thatched-roof restaurant and bar add to the laid-back effect that heightens the escape with your loved one.

Stand out architecture is what the main building of Four Season Bali at Sayan is famous for and Ayung Terrace restaurant is the best place to enjoy both design and surrounding nature. For privacy choose a seat in the outdoor terrace and savor a carefully crafted list of menu items from Indonesia and beyond. Some say the restaurant serves the best eggs benedict in Bali.

Recently opened, Soleil is one of the most romantic restaurants in the island with elegant dining room and unbeatable service, two things that Mulia Hotels are famous at. Indulge in seaside Mediterranean and pan-Asian menu made from fresh ingredient while enjoy the sweeping view towards the Nusa Dua Bay. For the upcoming Valentine's Day, have a romantic dinner by the pool with your loved one.

The refreshing contemporary lines that have become the signature of this astonishing property provide maximum exposure to the panoramic views of the sea and one of the best places to enjoy it is the Sunset Cabana. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon or have a private dinner here and you will have an unforgettable moment worthy of perhaps, a proposal.

Spanish delicacies made by a former three-star Michelin restaurant chef from Barcelona add to the attraction while the view comparable to the Mediterranean makes a visit to El Kabron a must for every discerning traveler. Book a place on the edge of the cliff and wait for the best sunset of your life in one of the hippest spots in Bali right now.

What could be more romantic than a getaway in a beautiful, secluded setting like one of the above gorgeous premises? Capture your fine moments here and upload them in your profile page at Don't forget to give some references on things to do, what to eat, where to stay, or how to reach there so your friends and Buruflyers around the world can get to know those romantic places with view to remember.

If you have other great places to enjoy romantic moments in Bali, feel free to post on our Facebook profile
Follow us on Twitter to keep updating with the Wow of Indonesia and #OMGFACTS of Indonesia

Happy journeys…

Burufly Team
Got any question?
Please contact Burufly Customer Care at (+62) 21 7591 0825
from Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00 GMT+7, or email us at

Our mailing address is:
Ruko Gallery Niaga, Jalan H. Nawi Raya, Kav 9-11 Unit 9 i
Jakarta Selatan - DKI Jakarta 12420

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